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Architecture: Reference Materials

This guide will help you with your architectural research

Casa Mila

Casa Milà, better known as La Pedrera (Catalan for 'The Quarry'), is a building designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and built during the years 1905–1910, being considered officially completed in 1912. It is located at 92, Passeig de Gràcia (passeig is Catalan for promenade) in the Eixample district of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search


If you access the databases from off-campus, please read the information about accessing them off-campus.

Click here to access detailed information about these resources.

Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

Click here for detailed information.

About Reference Collection

A reference collection is a collection of objects maintained for the purpose of study and authentication. Reference materials; dictionaries, handbooks, encyclopedias etc. Reference materials can only be used in the library.

We have also online reference collection.

Vidobu Online Video Training

We have a subscription to Vidobu Online Video Training.

Training Categories:

  • Personal Improvement
  • Professional Development
  • Information Technologies
  • Photography
  • English
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • Programming
  • 3D Animation
  • Video Editing

Prepared by expert instructors, Vidobu consists of over 10.056 videos. You can create an account to follow where you left off in video. 

Important features of Vidobu:

  • 7 / 24 watch and learn
  • Certificate
  • Expert instructors
  • Continuous current
  • Control panel
  • Access from all platform
  • HD quality
  • Sample files
  • Training at all levels

AKAGEV (Academic Development and Education Database)

AKAGEV contains online courses on computer software and personal & academic training.

You can access the courses by registering with your IZTECH extension e-mail address.