Within the scope of Read and Publish agreements, corresponding authors affiliated with the IZTECH can publish open access in Wiley, ACS (American Chemical Society), and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library journals without the article processing charge (APC).
Read and publish agreements seek to shift the contracted payment from libraries to publishers away from subscription-based reading and towards open-access publishing.
Due to our subscription to ACM Digital Library, your publications as a corresponding author will be published as Open Access in ACM’s titles (journals, magazines, conference proceedings) at no additional charge. See the list of eligible journals via this link: https://libraries.acm.org/subscriptions-access/publications-eligible-for-oa
You must use your IZTECH e-mail address when submitting the article as a corresponding author. Click here to see information about Author’s Rights.
For helpful information: https://libraries.acm.org/subscriptions-access/acmopen-faq
A Read and Publish agreement has been made with the American Chemical Society (ACS), to which we subscribe, through ANKOS (Anatolian University Libraries Consortium). Due to our subscription to ACS Journals, your publications as a corresponding author will be published as open access in ACS journals without the article processing charge (APC). The agreement covers publication in all ACS journals, including ACS Omega, JACS Au, ACS Au collection, and all ACS hybrid journals. The agreement does not include publishing eBooks or articles that are additions, corrections, or editorials.
Important Details:
1) the submitting corresponding author must indicate affiliation to our institution by selecting the institution from the dropdown list in their Paragon Plus profile. The submitting corresponding author must be identified as the individual who is to communicate with ACS throughout the peer review process, and
2) the submitting corresponding author should utilize their university email address in their Paragon Plus profile to better assist the agreement administrator in determining qualification.
Corresponding authors meeting all of the criteria mentioned above will be referred to as “qualifying authors.” As a qualifying author, a funding request will be automatically generated at the time of manuscript acceptance. You will receive a notification from Copyright Clearance Center once action is taken on the funding request.
When completing the Journal Publishing Agreement, your manuscript should be identified as belonging to the agreement. If the manuscript is not identified as belonging to the agreement or if you have problems with the open access publication of your article, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at library@iyte.edu.tr .