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Physics: About

This guide will help you with your physics science research.

About This Guide

This guide is intended to help students in Physics classes with research on Physics and related subjects. The Physics Subject Guides provide access to discipline-based information and resources, including databases, web-based resources and support material.

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You can find the books related to Physics in the Nilgül Uysal Book Lounge. For open-shelf collection, after having the call number of a book from the catalog search, you can seek for it throughout the shelves classified using Library of Congress Classification Scheme as follows;

Q 1 - 385 Science (General)
QC 1 - 999 Physics
QC 81 -114 Weights and measures
QC 120 - 168.5 Descriptive and experimental mechanics
QC 170 - 197 Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter
Including quantum theory, solid-state physics
QC 220 - 246 Acoustics. Sound
QC 251 - 338.5 Heat
QC 350 - 467 Optics. Light
Including spectroscopy
QC 474 - 496.9 Radiation physics (General)
QC 501 - 766 Electricity and magnetism
QC 770 - 798 Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity
QC 801 - 809 Geophysics. Cosmic physics
QC 811 - 849 Geomagnetism
QC 851 - 999 Meteorology. Climatology

All books (printed and electronic) can be searched by the IZTECH Library Catalog by author, title, subject, or keyword. 

IZTECH Library has many reliable databases which can be accessed by IZTECH members on or off campus.  E-resources (books, journals, etc.) can be found by searching the All Resources by author, title, subject, or keyword. 

If you access the databases from off-campus, please read the information about accessing them off-campus.