This guide is intended to help students in Computer Engineering classes with research on Computer Engineering and related subjects. The Computer Engineering Subject Guides provide access to discipline-based information and resources, including databases, web-based resources and support material.
You can find the books related to Computer Engineering in the Q-Z Book Lounge. For open-shelf collection, after having the Computer Engineering call number of a book from the catalog search, you can seek for it throughout the shelves classified using Library of Congress Classification Scheme as follows;
Q 300-390 | Cybernetics and Information Theory |
QA 71-90 | Instruments and Machines |
QA 75-76 | Computer Science |
T 1-995 | Technology |
TA 1630-1660 | Optical Data Processing |
TJ 210-211 | Robotics |
TK 5101-5106 | Telecommunication |
TK 7800-8360 | Electronics and Computer Engineering |
All books (printed and electronic) can be searched by the IZTECH Library Catalog by author, title, subject, or keyword.
IZTECH Library has many reliable databases which can be accessed by IZTECH members on or off campus. E-resources (books, journals, etc.) can be found by searching the IYTExplore by author, title, subject, or keyword.
If you access the databases from off-campus, please read the information about accessing them off-campus.