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Advertising, Animation, Antiques, Archaeology, Architecture, Art history, Art theory, Body art, Book design, Ceramics, Computer graphics, Conservation, Crafts, Decorative arts, Design history, Design management, Drawing, Ethnic and tribal art, Fashion, Fibre arts, Fine art, Folk art, Forgeries, Furniture, Garden design, Glass, Graphic design, Iconography, Illustration, Industrial design, Interior design, Jewellery, Landscape architecture, Metalsmithing, Museum studies, Painting, Performance art, Philosophy & art, Photography, Printmaking, Product design, Religion & art, Retail design, Sculpture, Street art, Textiles, Theatre, Typography, Urban planning, Video art, Web design.
Now available on the new ProQuest research environment, ProQuest Art, Design and Architecture Collection is fully cross-searchable with the other relevant content, including academic journals, newspapers and magazines in products such as The Vogue Archive or ProQuest Central for seamless tracking of people, events and entities over time to present day.