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City and Regional Planning: Books

Piano House


Piyano Evi (The Piano House), Çin'de Huainan isimli bir Hui Şehrinde yer almaktadır. Bu yapı, güçlendirilmiş camdan yapılmış şeffaf bir keman ve bir piyanodan oluşuyor. Kemanın içinde, piyano evine çıkan bir merdiven bulunmaktadır. The Piano House isimli bu müzik okulu Huainan Şehri'nde yerel bir kolejin müzik öğrencilerine çalışma yeri olarak müzik severler tarafından yapılmıştır. Estetik görünüşü ile bu çılgın mimari, turistlerin ilgi odağı olmaya devam etmektedir. 

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You can search all printed and e-books from our catalog.

Location of Books in the Library

You can find City and Regional Planning books in the Nilgül Uysal Study Hall (formerly 'Electronic Library'). For open-shelf collection, after having the call number of a book from the catalog search, you can seek it throughout the shelves classified using the Library of Congress Classification Scheme as follows;

GE 1-350 Environmental sciences

HC 79.E5 Urban Economics

HD 72.5-88 Regional Planning and Development

HD 7287.5-7340 Social Housing

HE 1-9999 Transportation and Communications

HM 851-1301 Urban Sociology

HT 1-159 Urban Geography

HT 101-151 Urban Geography and Urban Planning

HT 152-159 Regional Planning and Development

HT 1666 Urban Renewal and Urban Redevelopment

NA 1-9420 Architecture

NA 9000-9056 Urban Design and Regional Planning

The IZTECH Library Catalog can search all books (printed and electronic) by author, title, subject, keyword, etc. 

IZTECH Library has many reliable databases that IZTECH Members can access on or off-campus. E-resources (books, journals, etc.) can be found by searching All Resources by author title, subject, or keyword.

If you access the databases from off-campus, please read the information about accessing them off-campus.

Getting a Book from Other Libraries

If there is a book you need but it's not available online or in our catalog, search and request it through Interlibrary loan.

You can search TO-KAT National Union Catalog to find out which libraries have the book.

Getting information about Interlibrary Loan click here.



If you access the databases from off-campus, please read the information about accessing them off-campus.