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DIRNA Project: Project Structure

Includes information about DIRNA Project

Project Structure

  • Developing Project Management plan (including contingency clusters);
  • Consortium Agreement;
  • Developing Self-financing;
  • Report on National Coordination Team (NCT) Meetings;
  • Report on International Management Team (IMT) Meetings;
  • Report on Virtual Meetings of IMT and NCT;
  • Providing Operational and Financial Activities;
  • Organizing Day-to-Day Management Activities;
  • Kick-off meeting.
  • Designing and conducting survey research in Partner AZ-HEIs;
  • Identifying needs of partner AZ-HEIs;
  • Report (and surveys) on estimation of research output size and the current practice of research output management and open access in AZ-HEIs;
  • Report on needs of partner AZ HEIs.
  • Education material preparation workshop;
  • Preparing education material;
  • Preparing training delivery plan;
  • Preparing Vocational School training material in Azeri and English languages;
  • Education material preparation workshop;
  • Education materials;
  • Training delivery plan;
  • Vocational School training materials in Azeri and English languages.
  • Reviewing and learning best practice and standard of EU countries in digital repositories management;
  • Delivering Basic and intermediate training (Summer School);
  • Delivering Advanced Training for instructors on different topics identified in the project;
  • Delivering training for Potential Staff Members on OAIRs for inclusive education in EU Partner HEIs;
  • Delivering Regular Workshops on Research Activities;
  • Delivering workshops on copyright and fare use plagiarism.

  • Developing structure and activity plan of the Integrated network of OAIRs;
  • Research Data Management Study;
  • Develop Institutional Repository policies;
  • Develop repository implementation plan for long term support and management.

  • Implement seven institutional repositories in partner AZ-HEIs;
  • Evaluation workshop;
  • Develop promotion and advocacy plan for institutional repository;
  • Support installation, integration issues and scaling up activities;
  • Creating database of teaching and learning materials for inclusive education;
  • Creating a DIRNA Virtual Reference Desk.

  • Organizing Quality Control Team Meetings;
  • Developing Quality Assessment Plan;
  • Coordinating Project Quality Monitoring Activities. 
  • Delivering Press Conferences;
  • Publication of promotional materials;
  • Publication of Joint Annual Report;
  • Delivering Final conference;
  • Maintenance of the Developing Research Capacity through Institutional Repository Network in Azerbaijan official website;
  • Dissemination plan;
  • Sustainability Action Plan.