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Electrical & Electronics Engineering: About

This guide will help you with your electrical and electronics engineering research

About This Guide

This guide is intended to help students in Electrical & Electronics Engineering classes with research on Electrical & Electronics Engineering and related subjects. The Electrical & Electronics Engineering Subject Guides provide access to discipline-based information and resources, including databases, web-based resources and support material.

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You can find the books related to Electrical & Electronics Engineering in the Q-Z Book Lounge. For open-shelf collection, after having the Electrical & Electronics Engineering call number of a book from the catalog search, you can seek for it throughout the shelves classified using Library of Congress Classification Scheme as follows;

T 1 - 995 Technology (General)
TK 1 - 9971 Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering
TK 1001 - 1841 Production of electric energy. Powerplants
TK 2000 - 2891 Dynamoelectric machinery
Including generators, motors, transformers
TK 3001 - 3521  Distribution or transmission of electric power.
The electric power circuit
TK 4125 - 4399  Electric lighting
TK 5101 - 6720   Telecommunication
TK 7800 - 8360     Electronics
TK 7885 - 7895  Computer engineering
TK 9001 - 9401   Nuclear engineering. Atomic power
TK 9900 - 9971      Electricity for amateurs

All books (printed and electronic) can be searched by the IZTECH Library Catalog by author, title, subject, or keyword. 

IZTECH Library has many reliable databases which can be accessed by IZTECH members on or off campus.  E-resources (books, journals, etc.) can be found by searching the IYTExplore by author, title, subject, or keyword. 

If you access the databases from off-campus, please read the information about accessing them off-campus.

Subject Guide

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Gonul Kafali Can
Izmir Institute of Technology
Gulbahce Koyu
Urla / Izmir
+90 232 7506345