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Research Data Management: DMP Tools

RDM Tools

Some online tools are available to help you create and share your data management plans. These tools help to provide step-by-step guidance for creating your DMP and include templates and sample plans to help you address requirements specific to your funder.


ARGOS is an open extensible service that simplifies the management, validation, monitoring and maintenance and of Data Management Plans. It allows actors (researchers, managers, supervisors etc) to create actionable DMPs that may be freely exchanged among infrastructures for carrying out specific aspects of the Data management process in accordance with the intentions and commitment of Data owners.

You can use ARGOS in Turkish!

DMP Online


DMPonline helps you to create, review, and share data management plans that meet institutional and funder requirements. It is provided by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC). There are a number of templates within the tool that represent the requirements of different funders and institutions. Users are asked three questions at the outset so we can determine the appropriate template to display (e.g. the ESRC template when applying for an ESRC grant). Guidance is provided to help you interpret and answer the questions. This guidance is provided by researcher funders, universities and disciplines.