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A-Z Databases

Databases access is limited to current Institute of IZTECH faculty, students, and staff and may be used for individual research purposes only. Any other use is prohibited. Click here to see some rules of thumb.

Access to most of our subscribed databases/e-resources is provided through the Institute’s IP addresses. So, these resources are accessed directly on campus.

Off-campus access: There are two main methods to access databases/e-resources from outside the campus.

  1. Access via YETKIM, the National Academic Network ULAKNET: We don't have access to all databases with YETKİM. It is possible to find detailed information at
  2.  Access all databases by making proxy settings in your browser: For detailed information on how to make settings for Chrome, Firefox, and mobile phones:

For your questions about databases/e-resources, send the e-mail to library[at], or call 7506345 and 7506343.

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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
ACARINDEX ACARINDEX; 3306 akademik dergi, 968 bin makale ve 22 milyonu aşkın atıf barındırmaktadır. ACARINDEX; Eğitim Bilimleri ve Öğretmen Yetiştirme, Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik, Filoloji, Güzel Sanatlar, Hukuk, İlahiyat, Mimarlık Planlama Tasarım, Mühendislik, Sağlık Bilimleri, Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler, Spor Bilimleri ve Ziraat ve Orman ve Su Ürünleri alanlarındaki dergileri endekslemektedir
AKBES-Akademik Bilgi ve Eğitim Sistemi AKBES Veri Tabanı Ön Lisans, Lisans, Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora düzeyindeki katılımcılar için her alana özgü Akademik Eğitimler, Mesleki Gelişim Eğitimleri, Eğitmen Eğitimleri içeren ve birçok eğitimde Türkçe- İngilizce dil seçeneği imkânı sunan bir veri tabanıdır.
Bloomsbury Architecture Design & Practice Online In partnership with Taylor and Francis, the Architecture Design & Practice Online collection includes over 200 titles focusing on studio design, technical detail, and professional practice – perfect for the student and the professional designer.
Bloomsbury Architecture Library Bloomsbury Architecture Library is the award-winning collection for the study of architecture, urbanism, and interior design. This dynamic, interactive resource offers access to wide-ranging text and image content, from architectural history to cutting-edge design guidance.
Gravür Dünyası Dijital Gravür Kütüphanesi Dijital kütüphane olarak tasarlanan Gravür Dünyası, 19.yüzyıl ve öncesi döneme ait gravür ve haritalar ile resimlerden oluşmaktadır.
Inspec with Full Text Produced collaboratively by EBSCO and the Institution of Engineering and Technology, this resource combines an extensive collection of full-text scientific and technical journals with the bibliographic abstracting and indexing of Inspec. It focuses on four main subject areas: physics; electrical engineering and electronics; computers and control; and mechanical and production engineering. Updated continuously, Inspec covers an expertly-curated list of journals, conference proceedings, books, dissertations and reports, selected for quality and relevance.
Lebib Yalkın MevBank Lebib Yalkın tarafından geliştirilen MevBank mevzuat ve içtihat veri tabanı, hukuki araştırmalar için en güncel içtihat ve mevzuat ile yorumlu uzman makalelerini içerir. MevBank tüm kanun, kanun hükmünde kararname, tüzük, yönetmelik ve tebliğleri 64 konu başlığı altında, emsal teşkil edecek içtihat, makaleler ve hukuk literatürü ile ilişkilendirilmiş olarak sunmaktadır. Ayrıca Üniversiteler için özel hazırlanan Yükseköğretim Mevzuatı’na da MevBank veri tabanından ulaşılabilir.
Legal Yayıncılık Online Kütüphane - Dergi ve Kitaplar Legal Yayıncılığa ait basılı hukuk kitapları (625 +) ve 11 farklı başlıktaki hukuk dergilerinin (900 +) tüm sayılarına online olarak ulaşılabilmektedir.
Legalbank Elektronik Hukuk Bankası - Yargı Kararları ve Mevzuat Bankası Legalbank ile; içtihata (3.500.000 +) (Yargıtay, Danıştay, BAM, BİM vb.) mevzuata (53.000 +) (Kanun, KHK, CBK, Yönetmelik, Tebliğ vb) akademik ve uygulamaya yönelik makalelere (42.000 +) , tezlere (14.800 + ) dilekçe ve belgelere (4.000+) gerekçelere (400 +) online olarak erişilebilmektedir.
McGraw Hill Access Engineering AccessEngineering is an award-winning engineering reference and teaching platform that delivers world-renowned, interdisciplinary engineering content integrated with analytical teaching and learning tools. AccessEngineering prepares students to solve real-world problems, makes curriculum planning and delivery easy for faculty, and helps professionals find relevant information faster, driving increased ROI.
Muteferriqa – Osmanlı Türkçesi Keşif Portalı Muteferriqa, by Miletos, is a discovery portal for Ottoman Turkish printed documents. It opens new roadways in Ottoman and Turkish studies, and also Middle East studies.
OriginLab Origin is the data analysis and graphing software. It is possible to have unlimited installations, but only 12 computers can run it simultaneously. Please write to the email address to take installation information.
Pressreader Digital newsstand featuring 7000+ of the world's most popular newspapers & magazines.
SciVal SciVal's modular solution provides access to research performance data of over 24,000 research institutions and their associated researchers based across more than 230 nations worldwide. SciVal provides strategic insights to help your research programs thrive It helps visualize your organization’s research performance, benchmark it against peers, and identify emerging research trends with SciVal.
SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathemtaics) SIAM publishes 18 peer-reviewed research journals and is the leading source of knowledge for the world's applied mathematics and computational science communities.
Total Materia Total Materia is the largest material properties database and knowledge source worldwide, with more than 20,000,000 property records for over 450,000 materials.
Transleyt Database Transleyt, 30 farklı dilde yapay zeka destekli akademik çeviri ve medya işleme platformudur. Osmanlıca dahil birçok dildeki engelleri aşan bu çevrimiçi hizmet, resim, metin, dosya, ses ve OCR gibi özellikleriyle hem bireysel hem de kurumsal ihtiyaçlara etkin çözümler sunar.
