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Off-campus access: There are two main methods to access databases/e-resources from outside the campus.
Access via YETKIM, the National Academic Network ULAKNET: We don't have access to all databases with YETKİM. It is possible to find detailed information at
Access all databases by making proxy settings in your browser: For detailed information on how to make settings for Chrome, Firefox, and mobile phones:
For your questions about databases/e-resources, send the e-mail to library[at], or call 7506345 and 7506343.
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The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
This link opens in a new windowACARINDEX; 3306 akademik dergi, 968 bin makale ve 22 milyonu aşkın atıf barındırmaktadır.
ACARINDEX; Eğitim Bilimleri ve Öğretmen Yetiştirme, Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik,
Filoloji, Güzel Sanatlar, Hukuk, İlahiyat, Mimarlık Planlama Tasarım, Mühendislik,
Sağlık Bilimleri, Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler, Spor Bilimleri ve Ziraat ve Orman
ve Su Ürünleri alanlarındaki dergileri endekslemektedir
iyte uzantılı email adreslerinizle kayıt olarak erişebilirsiniz.
AKBES-Akademik Bilgi ve Eğitim Sistemi
This link opens in a new windowAKBES Veri Tabanı Ön Lisans, Lisans, Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora düzeyindeki katılımcılar için her alana özgü Akademik Eğitimler, Mesleki Gelişim Eğitimleri, Eğitmen Eğitimleri içeren ve birçok eğitimde Türkçe- İngilizce dil seçeneği imkânı sunan bir veri tabanıdır.
Gravür Dünyası Dijital Gravür Kütüphanesi
This link opens in a new windowDijital kütüphane olarak tasarlanan Gravür Dünyası, 19.yüzyıl ve öncesi döneme ait gravür ve haritalar ile resimlerden oluşmaktadır.
Muteferriqa – Osmanlı Türkçesi Keşif Portalı
This link opens in a new windowMuteferriqa, by Miletos, is a discovery portal for Ottoman Turkish printed documents. It opens new roadways in Ottoman and Turkish studies, and also Middle East studies.
Origin is the data analysis and graphing software. It is possible to have unlimited installations, but only 12 computers can run it simultaneously.
Please write to the email address to take installation information.
Please write to the email address to take installation information.
This link opens in a new windowDigital newsstand featuring 7000+ of the world's most popular newspapers & magazines.
This link opens in a new windowSciVal's modular solution provides access to research performance data of over 24,000 research institutions and their associated researchers based across more than 230 nations worldwide.
SciVal provides strategic insights to help your research programs thrive
It helps visualize your organization’s research performance, benchmark it against peers, and identify emerging research trends with SciVal.
All users will need to register with a username and password. If you have a Scopus or ScienceDirect account, you can access it with the same account information.